Land | For Sale | Piliyandala - Reference L3329

Ref: L3329

Price: LKR 1,300,000.00 (Per perch)

Location: Piliyandala - Colombo

Distance to Nearest Town: 600 m

Land Extent: 6 perches

Access Road: 11.5

Added on: 2024-03-02

Land  For Sale  Piliyandala- Reference L3329

Clear deeds , document & papers

There is a wall at one side of the land & fence on the other side

There is a well

1.5km to Horana Colombo Bus road

2 km to Piliyandala town

3km to Kesbawa Town

3.5 km to Maharagama Town

This valuable square shaped land 

some useful trees & plants are already availablein the property such as coconut,  mango, Rabutan, Coffe ect


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us before 8 P M .Just include the property I D so we can find your file quickly. we also prefer booking appoinments, so let us know if you're interested.