Ref: L3269
Price: LKR 1,200,000.00 (Per perch)
Location: Piliyandala - Colombo
Distance to Nearest Town: 300 m
Land Extent: 15.75 perches
Access Road: 20
Added on: 2023-09-12
For SALE - Land in Jayanthi vidyala mawatha, Honnanthara, Piliyandala Reference L3269
- Located in a convenient location between Kottawe & Piliyandala access from both roads.
- The extent of land is 15.75 perches with 20 feet excess road Rectangular plot.
.The land has a house which is still in a livable condition. The property is sold only for the land value.
- The house is single floor with sitting and dining room, 02 bedrooms, 02 Bathrooms, pantry, kitchen, and front garden
- The house is surrounded by a wall,
- Highly residential and secure.
Please contact us before 8.00 P.M if you need further information.
Please mention the property ID.
Booking appointments are preferred.
Rs 18000000 total