Ref: L3315
Price: LKR 1,400,000.00 (Per perch)
Location: Kandy - Kandy
Distance to Nearest Town: 2km m
Land Extent: 21.5 perches
Access Road: 20
Added on: 2024-01-29
Land for Sale in Dodamwala Road , Kandy - Reference L3315
5-minute distance to Kandy Town.
- 5-minute distance to leading Girls’ and Boys’ Schools.
- Land borders the Mahaweli River (approved riverfront embankment) with serene landscapes.
- Ideal for peaceful living, bordering the Mahaweli River (approved riverfront embankment).
- Great opportunity for entrepreneurs in the tourism sector.
- The land is divided into two 21.5-perch sections, giving the option to buy a part or the entire land.
- 1.4 million per perch
- 60% initial payment can be done for the entire land.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us before 8 PM. Just include the property ID so we can find your file quickly. We also prefer booking appointments, so let us know if you're interested.